Exercise program

Here you can find the training manual for exercise professionals, which describes the protocol for all exercise sessions within the EFFECT study. You might use this as guidance to train patients with metastatic breast cancer. In addition, we provide two tools that can be used to calculate training intensities:

  • Worksheet to calculate the training intensity for the aerobic exercise training. The intensities are calculated using the results of a Steep Ramp Test.
    • Steep Ramp Test instructions: After 3 min of unloaded cycling, the test starts at 25 W and is increased by 2.5 W/sec or 25 W per 10 sec, depending on the available settings of the cycle ergometer used, until exhaustion. Patients s are instructed to cycle between 70 and 90 r.p.m. The test ends when the cycling cadence drops below 60 r.p.m. or when the patient experiences pain or discomfort. After termination, the patient is asked to continue cycling at an easy cadence and with minimal load to promote recovery. The outcome is recorded as the highest achieved output in W and is referred to as the MSEC. The MSEC can be entered in the worksheet, in addition to the sex, height and age of the patient.
  • Worksheet to calculate the training intensity for the resistance exercise training. The intensities are determined using a hypothetical 1-RM test (h1-RM). Instructions for this test can be found in Appendix II of the training manual. The result of the h1-RM test can be entered in the Worksheet to calculate the training intensity.


Click here for the training manual for exercise professionals

Click here for worksheet to calculate the training intensity for the aerobic exercise training

Click here for worksheet to calculate the training intensity for the resistance exercise training


Please contact the Consortium if you have any questions related to the exercise program by clicking on the Contact button.

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